• unibrowed rabbit
• thousands and thousands of magic tricks
• the index of thousands and thousands of magic tricks
• Robert
• Suzy
• really, many many many magic tricks
• very long arms that emerge from nothing, Monty Python's style
• Adelaide
• hands hands hands
• Harry
• Henry and a nice POSTERONE (big poster)

In this book you will find many anecdotes and stories about the main illusionists in history, but also some of their most famous prestige tricks, explained step by step to
make you become a magician... just like them!

I haven't learned any magic tricks yet, but it's all explained very well, step by step, with anecdotes and curiosities about wizards and sorceresses from the past and a nice POSTERONE to invite the public to watch your magic performance!
EDITOR @whitestarkids
AD @qufupi
Available on 𝐰𝐰𝐰.𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫.𝐢𝐭